Zhangjiakou is most influtial overseas among Chinese cities in 2012 2013-03-28 00:00:00 / China Daily
The second session of China's most influential cities overseas hosted an awards ceremony in Hong Kong on March 25. The city of Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, won the award to become the most influential city overseas.
Zhangjiakou is home to many world-famous historical relics, such as the ancient Nihewan culture, the first gate of the Great Wall (Dajing Gate), and Yuxian paper-cutting.  (Dajing Gate, The Great Wall at Zhangjiakou . Photo by Ahao from www.thegreatwall.com.cn )
Zhangjiakou is also located in the center of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Inner Mongolia region. The city is known as a famous leisure and tourism scenic spot thanks to its beautiful ecological environment. 
( Yuxian Paper Cutting. Photo by Zhengyan From www.thegreatwall.com.cn)
(Written by China Daily)