
2004-12-20 Mon


An Emerald Eruption
摄影:Alexandra Boulat

  升起的太阳点燃了Flores岛上5500英尺(1676米)的 Keli Mutu火山。色彩浓郁的湖水填满了平顶的三个火山口,这个湖中甚至还有一个硫磺泡沫构成的黄色漩涡。它们的颜色因水中矿物质成分的不同而变换着。

The rising sun strikes 5,500-foot (1,676-meter) Keli Mutu on the island of Flores. Intensely colored lakes—this one embellished with a yellow swirl of sulfurous foam—fill each of the flat-topped peak’s three volcanic craters. Their hues vary as the mineral content of the water changes.

Camera: Canon EOS-1N
Film Type: Unrecorded
Lens: Canon 14mm f/2.8
Speed and F-Stop: 1/60 @ f/4.0
Weather Conditions: Clear
Time of Day: Sunrise, 6:00 a.m.
Lighting Techniques: Natural + 81 A filter

Special Equipment or Comments:
I had to go to Flores twice to shoot Keli Mutu because of the weather. Most of the year the remote island of Flores is under heavy tropical showers, and clouds cover Keli Mutu. It is one of the most fascinating sites in Indonesia. Every time I went to the top, I saw a totally different scene. The color of its three crater lakes were always changing. The turquoise one turned dark red. The red one became white as milk.

  因为天气的缘故,我不得不去了Flores两次。这个遥远的小岛常年沐浴在热带阵雨中,云雾包围着Keli Mutu。这是印度尼西亚最迷人的去处之一。每次我来到顶峰,看见的都是截然不同的场景。它的三个火山湖的颜色一直变换着。翠绿色的变成了暗红。红色的变成了奶白色。

火箭人于 2004-12-20 22:36:20 发表在分类:摄影
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