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·边墙史料书库 .. 阿伦主编

 长城文献资料库 分类浏览:学科 地域 发表时间 年代 作者 期刊 排行 最新评论 最新更新



作  者:全太锦
出  处:《中国长城博物馆》 2004年第1期
文  摘:


The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the conflic and interflow between Datong and Mongolia Fengzhoutan .We will put the incident into the middle or long period, and integrate the factors of economy、military affairs、politics、culture、religion、customs and so on,in order to thorough research the changing of frontier society around The Long-qing Peace Treaty,meanwhile analyse the reasons and its further influence.
of the interflow content and form between Datong and Mongolia Fengzhoutan reflected the vicissitudes in politics, economy, culture and customs and so on of border area aroud the Long-qing Peace Treaty.
In the war, the Ming government built two the Great Wall lines to defend the invading from Mongolia, but they failed sometimes, which made Datong society desolate. In the middle of Jia-jing ,the agriculture village Baishin developed in Mongolia Fengzhoutan area, which became the important supplement to Mongolia nomadic economy. The exchanging of materials and information between Datong and Mongolia Fengzhoutan were realized through war plunder and population moving.
Since Long-qing, Zhangjuzheng and other people carried out the new frontier policy ,strengthed the Great Wall and achieved obvious success, which became the prerequisite condition for the Ming-Mongolia peace treaty. The main content of Long-qing new policy was to strengthen the Great Wall military defense ability , which also was the solid backup to ensure Ming-Mongolia peace bilateral trade.The economy and culture exchanging between Datong and Fengzhoutan went deep after the peace treaty. The peaceful bilateral trade along the Great Wall line combined the frontier and the core economic area of Southern Yangtze, which brought the city business recovery along the the Grant Canal , and improved the Ming-Mongolia people`s standard of living.Datong became a great business town in the frontier area , and Fengzhoutan turned into the main base for the settling down of Mongolia tribe.

Keywords:Datong, Fengzhou tan, baishin, GreatWall, The Long-qing peace treaty, frontier society

  · http://www.chinagreatwall.org/detail/news_detail.jsp?info_id ...
关 键 词:大同 丰州滩 板升 隆庆和议 长城 边疆社会
正  文:
一、 引 言

自然地理学上一般以400毫米雨量线作为干旱区和湿润区的界限。这一条雨量线大体位于北纬39-42度之间,就像一条蜿蜒曲折的“带子”,将中国北部边疆地区天然地分成游牧区与农业区。如果说400毫米雨量线是农牧社会无形的自 ……

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